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      I am writing today, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to share my thoughts on what all the studying, all the reading, and the daily devotionals have led me to discover.  I have come to realize that my life is about honoring Christ and glorifying God!  Now that does not mean […]

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

           How did the phrase “Merry Christmas” begin?  Why don’t we say “Happy Christmas”?  I looked at several articles on the subject and found that the “merry” in Christmas is unique.   The word “happy” comes from the word “hap” which means luck or chance and implies good fortune, while “merry” implies […]

God Wins!

God Wins!

     I’ve read the book and God wins.  I take great comfort in trusting God.  That is when I reject what my flesh dictates and allow the Spirit to guide my heart.  The more I learn from scripture the more I know why I do put my trust in the Lord.  He keeps His […]

In the moment

In the moment

     In life we have moments.   They are typically fleeting and the best of them seem to be the swiftest.  In traveling with my husband and our dog Hope, we have both been taking photographs of many moments, each suspended in time.  I love watching waves and looking for smooth, round rocks to paint.  […]