I’ve read the book and God wins. I take great comfort in trusting God. That is when I reject what my flesh dictates and allow the Spirit to guide my heart. The more I learn from scripture the more I know why I do put my trust in the Lord. He keeps His […]
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Category: Faith
Jim and I visited the museum for the USS Midway in San Diego Bay. The aircraft carrier has been restored to accurately display the ship as it was in 1992. It’s history is introduced by artifacts from it’s construction right after WWII to it’s voyage in Operation Desert Storm in […]
The Truth
I recently had the privilege to spend time with family I don’t get to see very often. I have a beloved uncle who is questioning the truth of God, creation, etc.. It is hard to convince of truth when others view Christianity as “just another religion”. I was asked why my beliefs are […]
In the moment
In life we have moments. They are typically fleeting and the best of them seem to be the swiftest. In traveling with my husband and our dog Hope, we have both been taking photographs of many moments, each suspended in time. I love watching waves and looking for smooth, round rocks to paint. […]
Healing acts and words
I’ve been thinking a lot about what compels us to observe something. Is it the sensationalized commotion tied to it or is it something even more compelling? In Acts chapter 3, Peter and John heal a lame man at the Beautiful Gate. What ensues involves the act of healing and then the gospel […]
In Acts 1, verse 9 it says: “And after He (Jesus) had said these things, He was lifted up while they (His Apostles) were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” Jesus had also told them that He must leave so that the promise of God could be fulfilled. […]
Precept Upon Precept Bible Study
I get very excited as September approaches and is now here! Every year for the last seven-plus years I have participated in a Precept bible study class. This year we begin with the historical document “Acts”. I will be sharing a bit of what I’m learning as we go through this book from […]
I have been thinking about “thankfulness” for the past few days. You see, Jim and I took a gamble (without looking at our Truckers Route map) and decided on a scenic route out of Oakhurst, California to Coleville, California. We wound up on Sonora Pass on hwy 108, this after taking hwy 49. […]
Since embarking on our journey we have had several visitors to our campsites. I have photographed a few of them. As we move from site to site I can’t help thinking of Jesus and his disciples as they traveled from town to town. Basically I think of Jesus. Although He became man, emptying […]
The Tongue
Over the years I have been learning to shut my mouth! Sometimes I am very proficient at this and other times, not so much. With the help of the Holy Spirit I find I can calmly listen to friends, family and strangers without the constant need to interject, after all, their comments […]