Ruth gleans

     When we last left Ruth she was gleaning in the field of Boaz, a kinsman of the family of Elimelech.   Boaz is in line to redeem the property of Naomi’s husband Elimelech but he is not first in line.  There is another relative that is ahead of him.  He is protecting Ruth and helping her supply food for both she and his other kinsman, Naomi.  Boaz explains to Ruth that he is next in line to redeem Naomi’s property and to offer her marriage, but there are laws to obey.  I have attended a class on “Kinsman Redeemer” and I did some research and came away with quite an eye opening and insightful way to look at the story of Ruth.  Here goes.

Then Naomi her mother in-law said to her, “My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you?” -Ruth 3:1

     It so happens that Naomi advises Ruth on what to do in regards to Boaz.  She must wash herself, anoint herself, put on her best clothes and go down to the threshing floor that night when he winnows barley. Ruth is to wait until he lies down before uncovering his feet and lying down at them.  It is then that Boaz will tell Ruth what to do.  Ruth agrees to this.  Now Boaz sleeps but is startled awake when he realizes someone is at his feet.  He asks “Who are you?”  She answers, “I am Ruth your maid.  So spread your covering over your maid for you are a close relative.” – Ruth 3:9  It is now revealed to the reader that Boaz is not a young man.  He blesses Ruth and praises her for seeking him and not the young men of the village.  He also tells her that all of his people in the city know she is a woman of excellence.  High praise indeed!  This is a woman of the bible.  Women typically get a bad rap in the bible, but I think we need to revisit the old testament and refresh ourselves of some of the most vital roles women played in doing God’s will.  In reading Ruth I am reminded that God is not partial.  He has found a willing and loving heart in Ruth.  And, He will use it for his salvation plan!

     Boaz now tells Ruth there is a relative closer than he that may redeem her, but if not, Boaz will redeem her as the Lord lives!  He gives Ruth six measures of barley to take to her mother in-law.  Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz will settle the matter that very day.

Boaz will decide the fate of Naomi’s inheritance and that of Ruth

     Now Boaz calls the Elders and sits with them and his closest relative and tells him honestly that Naomi must sell her portion of the inheritance. Now, in order to redeem it he must also acquire Ruth the Moabitess, widow of the deceased, in order to raise up the name of the deceased on his inheritance.  I don’t know if Boaz is reminding the relative that Ruth is from Moab, a cursed place that refused entrance to the fleeing captives of Egypt, or if he is just reminding him of who she is.  A woman considered to be of excellence.  But, the relative is now concerned for his own inheritance.  He would jeopardize the children he probably already has by having more with Ruth.  Ruth’s children would now stand to inherit.  Either way he declines and Boaz is now the kinsman redeemer.  The relative removes a sandal, which is the custom, and says, “Buy it for yourself.”  Boaz has also secured witnesses.  Ruth and the property are his.

All the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, “We are witnesses.  May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem.  Moreover, may your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah, through the offspring which the Lord will give you by this young woman.”  – Ruth 4:11-12

Ruth and Boaz

     Now the end of the story of Ruth is such a blessing.  Boaz and Ruth become the parents of Obed.  Obed is the father of Jesse, Jesse the father of David.  Naomi becomes the nurse to Obed.  

Now these are the generations of Perez:  to Perez was born Hezron, and to Hezron was born Ram, and to Ram, Amminadab, and to Amminadab was born Nashon, and to Nashon, Salmon, and to Salmon was born Boaz, and to Boaz, Obed, and to Obed was born Jesse, and to Jesse, David. – Ruth 4:18-22

Naomi is nurse to Obed

      The kinsman redeemer is a name given to one who delivers or rescues, or redeems property or person.  Let’s look at who that is in Ruth.  

Boaz is the obvious redeemer of property and person.  He also rescued Ruth and Naomi from hunger and being set upon by others who might have abused Ruth and neglected and taken advantage of Naomi.  Boaz is also in the lineage of Jesus the Messiah!

Ruth is also a redeemer as she is the heroine of the story.  She rescues her mother in-law from journeying back home alone and has cared for her when Naomi had actually released her and Orpah from any duties or responsibilities toward her.  Ruth did not desert the heartbroken and embittered Naomi.  Ruth has also become faithful toward the God of Israel!

Obed is a redeemer as he has rescued Naomi from her loneliness and her bitterness.  The baby has secured her inheritance and we can also read into the happy ending for her that that includes her faith.  I also read in “” that Obed would have been the one to care for both Naomi and Ruth in their old age.  Obed is the grandfather of David!

Now God is the ultimate redeemer.  He fulfills all the requirements!  He is our deliverer, our rescuer.  He restores people and property and He is always at work in our lives.  He is behind the scenes in Ruth and He is the One Who enabled her to conceive.  We see in Ruth that He was at work on the lineage to David, then to His beloved Son Who is our salvation, our Redeemer of the heart, mind and soul!   I’m quoting this prayer that I also found on line at;

“We praise God for Christ’s redemption of us, spiritual paupers that we are, and we are grateful for the profound illustration of that redemption we find in the book of Ruth.” –
