It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written.  I thought I ought to share some recent thoughts and experiences.  As my dear Pastor Roy, at Washington Heights Church puts it; “In case you haven’t noticed there is an election going on.”  Not to minimize his observation, not only have I noticed, but, my life has been effected by it.  I was minding my own affairs and innocently (I need to confess I did ask others how they were voting and why?) expecting others to respectively as well, politically speaking, when I got bombarded with many opinions and requests to vote in favor of their candidate.  Needless to say, I’ve lost some relationships over this.  Not all though.  The number one that counts is God.  At least I pray I’m with Him, even though I’ve been shown how I vote proves if I am or not.  Yeah.  Some tears have been shed. 🥺


Samuel and Saul

“Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death; for Samuel grieved over Saul. And the LORD regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel.”

-‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭15:35 NASB

Saul disobeyed God

     What I know in my heart is that Gods got this.  He has established kings, for goodness sake, and removed them.  He is the one over all living things. He is sovereign over all authority and it is He, Who wins in the end.  That’s right.  His power is infinite and complete.  No matter who you vote for God will use them for His purpose and His good.  To tell anyone how to vote, and which side God is on, is to be giving power to a mere mortal with breath in His nostrils.  And that human is no match for the One True God.  It’s ludicrous to contemplate the thought.  God gave the supreme sacrifice in the giving of His Son to die for OUR sins!  (Sins; Those are the actions and behaviors, including thoughts, against God.) God incarnate in Jesus Christ.  Jesus will ultimately reign on this earth and thanks be to God, He will be the One True and Faithful King!  No more politics and politicians.  There will be order and peace and no more tears.  Oh yeah, no more ads for candidates!!!  That does sound like heaven, doesn’t it?

“Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?”

‭‭- Isaiah‬ ‭2:22‬ ‭NASB 1995‬‬

    Now you may wonder what is PLOM?  That is “Poor Little Ole Me”.  It’s easy to feel this way right now.  Life has changed.  Many fellow image bearers are behaving badly.  United we stand is taking a thorough beating.  On the plus side, people are stretching beyond the anger, the resentment with hope and love.  I loved the story of the UPS guy who friended the young man with autism.  The young man waited for the truck to bring packages and delighted in the truck and driver.  The driver, seeing this young’s mans interest and excitement, brought him a UPS jacket, gloves, hat and a toy UPS truck.  What was most beautiful was the rare hug given to the driver, in exchange for the gifts and love.  There are stories out there of “us” caring for each other.  There is love enough for all if we cling to Whom loved us first!  I share this post because I needed to move past the PLOMs and reach out with love.  I reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ.  What a gift, what a marvel to have, especially right now, in times of crazy change and uncertainty.  Lean on Him, talk with him, lay your burdens at His feet.

“and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.””

-‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21:4‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

     I say to everyone in need of hope.  It’s in that book called the Bible.  Make it your friend.  Keep it close.  Precept ministries has studies and I can hook you up with on-line teaching.  In the words of Pastor Roy, whether you are blue or red go vote, but put your TRUST in God.  And that’s the TRUTH.  Amen.



“Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”

-‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:18‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬