Memorial Day is a time to honor heroes! We remember those fallen and those who’s sacrifice took them from homes, families, friends, jobs, school and the life that they knew.  I think of the men and women who laid down their lives for their friends, their fellow soldiers, the cause of freedom!  Some were captured and spent years in internment camps.  The objective of war is to gain freedom.  Freedom from oppression, freedom from tyranny, freedom to live life in the pursuit of happiness, to choose a lifestyle and lastly or firstly, the freedom to worship.  If we worship God we know that the ultimate sacrifice was from long ago.  The truth is, Jesus laid down His life for His friends.  Us.  He shed innocent blood, so our stains (sins) could be washed away.  It was a sacrifice for things eternal.  

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13  NASB

     So while we honor our service men and women this weekend, let us also honor  the One who paid the full price for our Spiritual freedom.  Our eternal life.  We who come to know God the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, know a freedom that extends beyond this life.  It was a debt we owed but could not pay.   Jesus paid my debt so I could be declared Not Guilty!  After a life of sin and chains to it, I am now and forever debt free!  Now, when I die, I am eternally with the Lord!  Praise God.  My hope and prayers for this weekend is that those who served our country, in whatever capacity, lift up their eyes to that one Life that was laid down for His friends.  And, my prayer is that those service men and women, feel blessed, living in this country.  If they mourn someone who gave their life for their friends, that they feel grateful for that sacrifice.  From the depths of my heart I thank you.  From the depths of my heart and soul I thank my Redeemer, my Savior, My Lord.  Blessings and Happy Memorial Day!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16  NASB

The cross- symbol of God’s love to people