image outcome from recent events

   This past week or so as I’ve watched the news, listened to reverence and drama and heard folks “take”on recent events I’ve had to pause. And think.  What is the reaction of God? What would God tell us in lieu of these events, these tragedies?  Would He shake a Finger at our Nation and compile a list of our sins? Would He side with the anti-gun activists, shake His head at the political rhetoric or just mourn with us?  

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” – Matthew 5:4

     As humans we want to rationalize, justify, find answers, solutions, in other words, take action in some form or other.  And yes, we want someone or something assigned as the culprit, the problem, the blame.  The Bible has the truly heartbreaking answer.  It is sin.  Sin against God, against man, against anything good.  It is a person’s stone cold heart devoid of empathy, kindness or conscious.  Knowing people walk around in this state is sad, knowing they can callously end other lives because of it is heartbreaking.  Prayers for all those mourning these senseless losses, including the families of the gunmen.  

Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.” – ‭‭John‬ ‭8:34‬ ‭NASB‬‬

     I feel a collective sigh as the preaching begins, against guns, gun laws etc.  we also ask; how can we stop this from happening yet again?  James reminds us that we are sinful. In Romans Paul writes that ALL fall short. Not even one is born without sin.  We are the product of a fallen world.  America too.  Let me be clear, according to scripture no one is without sin!   Jesus came to fulfill laws we couldn’t hope to keep.  Folks had tried.  We can’t repent of sin without help.  We need God’s salvation plan and then we can accept our sinful state.  This awareness should bring humans closer, knowing we have the same brokenness. Collectively, we then turn to our Lord for salvation. Ideally.  I think it’s clear the world is broken and not all will repent.

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. – ‭Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭13-14‬ NASB


     Is the final conclusion that we will face more tragedies?  Probably.  My hope is not in man’s solutions.  They will always have holes when dealing with human behavior.  I have this hope, hope in a faithful and true Savior!  Hope in a sovereign God Who offers grace and mercy.  How else could we be saved from our sinful selves?   We cannot do it ourselves.  We need the propitiation of Jesus Christ on the cross.  His blood paid the price we should have paid and never could have.  That is grace!
To you; His love and peace!

A field of Sunflowers in North Dakota