Avengers Endgame

I was watching the latest installment of the Avengers movie and had some real comparison moments between them and our Savior.  The difference?  The Avengers can really die, never to return, and cannot grant eternal life… to anyone.  While the movie was entertaining and the story interesting, I was surprised to hear someone exclaim Jesus’s name.  If only it had been about Him and His super power!   I just hope people in the audience were reminded or provoked to think of Him at least that one time.  
While we enjoy indulging in these fantasy characters, may we compare them and possibly the writers intent to the human need for a hero?  We, as created beings, seem to search for the one created being that can save us from evil.  Good news!  There is one, only He was begotten and leads us to the One Who created everything.  That’s simply amazing, if you get the gospel message.  Jesus. Savior. Hero of mankind!

and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world. – 1John 2:2  NASB

The movie suggested a time shift that brought hero’s back to life. Jesus came back without any shifts!  Some made sacrifices to save the rest. Jesus sacrificed Himself so believers could live forever with Him and our Father in a place without sorrow or  tears. What?!  Yep. We get joy and immortality with the Greatest Hero’s of all. Pass it on.

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. – 1John 4:10  NASB


Message from THE Super Hero
