Michelangelo’s gift, depicting God’s gift

     I will admit that I’m not always sure I’m sharing my “gift”, set aside by God, for His purpose.  I think about things I can do or could be doing and sometimes feel like a failure, or don’t do anything. Other times I think about God’s will and know I’m pushing my agenda, not His.  My real desire, of course, is to do His will.  The tongue can be a stumbling block, as well as pride.  First, I may talk more than listen when I feel the Spirit.  This tends to make me the focus and eventually I, hopefully, reel it in and shut up for a spell.  Pride is the other monkey wrench.  This is me wanting things to go my way and also, to wrench away the purpose of God and make the moment what I think is my skill or God’s will.  That’s confusing at times but being honest with yourself helps. It boils down to; I’m busy thinking of what clever thing I can say or do when really, I need to “frog”- fully rely on God.  Let’s be clear, God has our back through the Holy Spirit and most times I’m not all that clever!  I need to listen to the Holy Spirit which may require a little down time and my being quiet. The take away?  Rely on God for your gift and how to use it.  Pay attention.  Be bold in His word and reckless in your love for Jesus!  

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.  And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord.  There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.  But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. – 1 Corinthians 12:4-7

     Patience is also a virtue.  Truly.  I want to be visible to Him everyday, doing something in His word, using my gift!  Yep.  Pressure.  I’m relaxing more nowadays and using prayer to fill the need to be “busy” in His word.  I memorize scripture when I feel I need more.  Also, I’m learning not to lament lost moments.  Make the next ones count.  Onward and upward, always staying in His word!  The GIFT was given to us by God.  We rely on Him.  May He reveal your gift(s) for His purpose. 
     Especially to you, whoever you are; Love, peace and His hope.  

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! – 2 Corinthians 9:15

God’s gifts