In the news lately the measles has made the headlines.  It makes me think that instead of being community minded we have become those parents that say, not me, not my kid.  That comes from broken people (which we all are) , from a potpourri of backgrounds, belief systems with bit of the “age of entitlement “ thrown in.   We see through eyes with blinders, less common sense, more rights seekers (please don’t confuse this with righteousness) and with pride and a plethora of “feelings” and individual perspective that must always be right.  Not exactly the village image is it?

Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,  – Romans 15:5 NASB

     What we tend to evade is the fellowship described in the New Testament.  We’ve taken individualism to heart and even though this can get us confused and lonely and causes us to chastise ourselves for getting involved, the world tells us this is what we seek.  Involvement usually means getting slapped, harassed and inconvenienced.  Ah, the real problem.  The inconvenience of it all.  The world tells us we deserve peace.  We can cover our ears on the airplane to block out an obnoxious child with state of the art sound blocking headphones.  We can download an app for just about any need and spend hours surfing the net (thus blocking out those pesky neighbors, loved ones etc.).  We can binge watch our favorite shows, get our kids on kid apps, text comments and responses while sitting beside each other…   what Village?

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you are also doing. – 1Thessalonians 5:11 NASB

Brecken and Sawyer

Kaden and Bryton

     God has a plan.  He created us to need each other, to love one another and to support each other, then invite others to share in this feast.  It’s a web that builds up and gives glory to the highest power.  The thing is, the Power gives back.  God created us to love us.  He gives his comfort, His protection and yes, sanctification.  It’s not the easiest path but guess what?  In the end He wins all and so do His believers.  Then we spend eternity with the Great Creator Who created EVERYTHING.  Oh yeah, He asks us to love Him through His Son, Jesus. Best. Gift. Ever. Amen.


But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “today”, so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. – Hebrews 3:13 NASB

 Sawyer as a newborn

Grandma Sherry and baby Sawyer