I’m currently in a study about “Breaking Free from Fear” through Precept Ministries.  This study has hit home in several ways.  I think as humans we can relate to fear as a fully functional attribute to the human psyche.  In this world fear is a common, daily occurrence or experience.  If we don’t gladly experience it on our own, the social and informative media will certainly help us out.  Sometimes friends and family eagerly point out fearful wonders, not that I need them.  I have imagination to burn.  I can crazily toy with several fears a day.  Back to the study…
    What we are learning is not a big surprise.  We have a sovereign Lord.  He is in charge, all the time.  He is everywhere and knows all outcomes.  He is Holy and we fear Him with awe and respect!  As a believer, I am to call on the Lord when I am afraid and allow Him to calm away my terrors.  When I place my trust in Him I am saying He has my back… and my sides and front as well.  If God is for me what can mere man do to me?  Now we know that there are those who can hurt us.  People can steal from us, hurt our reputation, make our job a nightmare and physically and/or mentally injure us, etc..  What God is assuring us of, He has our hearts, our souls.  He holds eternal life for us.  He protects those things man cannot kill.   He also protects us in many ways we may not even be aware of and in many ways in which we praise and thank Him.  What I now know is that when I am afraid, I ask why I am afraid and then I place my trust in God.  


In God whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me? – Psalms 56:4  NASB

What then shall we say to these things?  If God is for us, who is against us? – Romans 8:31  NASB

      God knows the days He has marked for each of us.  I trust that He has them marked for His purpose, if we believe  His son died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.   We have been given so many days, hours and minutes to share His Son with others, through what ever skills God has given us.  I will trust Him to lead me and guide me through all fear to the purpose He has for me… and that I will listen, without fear.