I just read “The Listener” by Terri Blackstock.  The book is about a man (Sam) who receives the gift of hearing what people’s spiritual needs are.  He literally hears people say things like; “I’m gonna hurl out into the universe and no one will notice I’m gone.”  At first this freaks him out because he addresses them with what he’s heard. The person(s) are not speaking out loud.  It is their souls speaking and Sam can hear them.  Imagine hearing a person’s deepest needs!  Some become angry with him because Sam addresses what they’ve said.   Sam is a Christian who now has to decide how to use this gift he first sees as a curse.  His pastor helps him out.  

I have caught myself worrying more about my response than what is actually being said to me. 

   The story is about listening to people, really listening.  Sam gets to know (hear) what they really need but in our reality it’s about the last thing people typically admit, or may even know about themselves.  We can hear it in part if we listen.   We can ask for help from the Holy Spirit.  I am, admittedly, an undisciplined listener.  I have caught myself worrying more about my response than what is actually being said to me.  Since my walk with Christ and my Precept Bible Study I am more aware of hearing others and nudging my thoughts and experiences off to the side, usually.  I’m weak.  I don’t always ask for  Spiritual help.  I love to talk to people and “share” things.  I get a kick out of making the world a little smaller by having those similar responses and ideas and, I’m a pleaser.  These are all things that I have to wrap my brain around and set aside so I can “see” a person.  The worst pain for me is to walk away and later realize I missed an opportunity to ask them if they know Jesus! 

“…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of earth.” – Acts 1:8  NASB

    I also hear what people say but don’t always process it right there on the spot.  I don’t “hear” them until I’m tucked securely back in my comfort zone.  I may not always be able to talk about Jesus either because of what I weakly call time constraints, or for lack of a better excuse, reasons to escape the conversation, sometimes real, sometimes not.  This business of introducing Jesus is not for the fainthearted or cowards.  I can honestly say that I am ready to open my heart and my mouth and at times I do.  I have found fellow believers who also want to open up more about the greatest thing a person could know!

This business of introducing Jesus is not for the fainthearted or cowards. 

     What can I say?  I’m human and I’m weak. I get nervous and sometimes afraid of what might happen if I do share the gospel.  It can get rough and uncomfortable and, a little ugly.  But, there are times when I do share Christ and the gospel message, or some truth from scripture, and it makes my heart soar!  I know this is what I’m made for, why I’ve studied, why God is first and should always be first in my life, in our Christian lives.  He is the grace, the mercy, the love, peace and hope of my soul!  He is what fills my heart and what teaches me truth and gives me courage and confidence.  Jesus sent his Apostles out into a hostile world to spread the good news. And, He sends us too.  Remember, He loved us first.  Now that we know Him, we spread that love.  We let others know there is a God who loves them more than they can ever dream of or imagine.  Pass it on!