Sometimes I have to pause and think really hard about just Who God is.  In my mind I begin with large waves breaking over large outcrops of rock.  Sometimes my mind floats out to images I’ve seen of our planet lit at night from the cities spattered across the continents, some in large clusters.   I think of nature, of the stars and heavens beyond we’ve had the privilege to see with the Hubble telescope.  What usually happens is I become overwhelmed with the power of a Creator Who could mastermind such wonders beyond our own lights and to what lies within each place and home.  He created us.  He could have abandoned us after the fall but He did not.  God relentlessly pursues us and when we look to Him, He gives us a heart to know Him.  The Lord knows His sheep.  His sheep know Him.

     Knowing a Creator through His creation is one way to know His Sovereignty, His Omnipresence.  God is over all and present everywhere at the same time.  He is also Omniscient (all knowing, all wise, all seeing) and Omnipotent, (unlimited power).  These are the characteristics of our Holy, Holy God.  There is even more to know about His character and it requires studying His word.  He is our judge.  Those who do not have a heart for God will feel His wrath.  Remember, He is the Creator!

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. – Romans 1:18-20

Sunset at Mission Bay, San Diego

     Finally, There are witnesses.  I’ve written about witnesses before.  There are those who were with Jesus and before them, prophets.  These are people divinely inspired.  The witnesses with Christ were there.  They lived with Him and had first hand accounts of His life and His trial and Crucifixion.  These witnesses were there for His resurrection, all but Judas Iscariot.  The original Apostles only elected one new Apostle to replace Judas, and that was someone who had been with Jesus as they had, from the beginning.  A full witness named Matthias.  These were witnesses following God’s plan for salvation.  They raised a church and leaders and sent themselves and new, trained believers out as Jesus requested, to Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and even the remotest part of the earth.

Paul and Timothy

     I believe that God wants us for His beautiful garden.  His garden is the new life we receive when we believe.  The garden has lovely plants among some weeds.  We learn to open our eyes  and ears and follow His lead so we can pull the weeds and increase the purity of those bouquets He plants.  We can look around and see the greatness of our God.  God gives us a heart to know Him.  Now, we pass it on.  Amen.