Title: Saul Paul

     On Paul’s second missionary journey he took Timothy.  Paul referred to Timothy as his son, his beloved, his son in the Lord.  He wrote two letters to Timothy, the second letter believed to be his last.  He was killed by the Romans, of which he was a citizen.  Paul gave his life for Christ.

     I like to think about the early church and what it must have been like to begin churches among persecution from Jews, as well as others.  Imagine preaching the gospel, healing the sick or exorcising evil spirits only to be run out of town by policemen, chief magistrates and yes, religious leaders from your synogogues you may have been welcomed in… before Christ?   Paul was so devoted to Christ that he rarely contemplated his harassment and weaknesses, in fact he drew strength from them.  God told Paul in a vision that He would be with him.  

And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent;  for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in the city.” – Acts 18:9-10  NASB

     Now Paul passed these strengths (truths) on to his disciples through encouragement and teaching (in person and in letters).  Timothy loved the Lord and he demonstrates his love through what Paul writes about him.  Paul calls him his child.  So powerful is their love of God through Jesus Christ that they can endure all that is pressed upon them.  Paul, with others, endures and brings the message and church across Asia and Southern Europe.  Timothy carries on the gospel message with and after Paul, converting many from idolatry and death in sin.  In studying the bible, especially the Epistles, I have developed a huge love and respect for those who carry with them the gospel message.  Not just in the travels or in the using of where you are placed, but also through the persecution and death Christians still face today.  May we take the time to pray for those souls who follow in the steps of Paul and his beloved Timothy, then, may we also follow!

Paul and Timothy

Paul and Timothy