How did the phrase “Merry Christmas” begin?  Why don’t we say “Happy Christmas”?  I looked at several articles on the subject and found that the “merry” in Christmas is unique.   The word “happy” comes from the word “hap” which means luck or chance and implies good fortune, while “merry” implies a more active demonstration of showing happiness or joy.  To make merry, or to be joyful!  Isn’t that what we celebrate with the birth of our Savior?  What greater joy has man known than to be given a Savior who literally saves us from our sins, thus restoring our relationship with our Creator!

     Did it begin in a lowly manger in Bethlehem?  According to the gospel of John it began in the beginning… 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…  And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John:1, 14NASB

     Any one who has heard of Christianity, the Christmas story or has read the new testament knows the story of Jesus.  How He came to be born of the virgin Mary, who was probably around the age of 13, conceived through God Himself, from the seed of David.  How Joseph, a poor carpenter, betrothed to Mary, almost divorces her until an angel comes to Joseph in a dream to tell him of what God has done.  We know this story.  But, do we know the glory behind it?  God’s glory is in the process as well as the end result.  God doesn’t duplicate how He communicates to us but is original, sometimes humble and wise so way beyond the scope of our intellect.  By sending the fragilest of creatures, a newborn baby, God’s message is profound, and unique and full of grace for us.  He is demonstrating to us that He is willing to reach us with risks and by humble means.  He sent His only begotten Son (the Word!) so that the world might have light!  Christ is the light!  He is the joy!  He is the Merry in “Merry Christmas”.  Salvation has come to us, rejoice in Christ!

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21  NASB

     I hope, with the everlasting “hope”, that your Christmas is bright with the light of Christ.  I hope that light gives you great joy.  Peace, love and Merry Christmas to you all!