Jim and I aboard the USS Midway


     Jim and I visited the museum for the USS Midway in San Diego Bay.  The aircraft carrier has been restored to accurately display the ship as it was in 1992.  It’s history is introduced by artifacts from it’s construction right after WWII to it’s voyage in Operation Desert Storm in 1991.   History is important to people as it helps with our perspective on how we are doing as a nation.  There is another history that should give perspective on how we are doing with our souls!  It’s the history of our creation and by God’s grace, our redemption.  

And fixing their gaze on him, all who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel. – Acts 6: 15 NASB

     In the book of Acts, Stephen is grabbed and drug before the Council (religious authorities in Jerusalem).  Stephen is full of the Holy Spirit and addresses the council with a history lesson.  He has been falsely accused of speaking against the Law and the holy place.  He is also accused of altering the customs Moses handed down to the people.  The history lesson Stephen then gives is one they should all know well.  Stephen reminds the Council of  God’s instructions to them through Abraham their father, then the fathers that came after him.  He reminds them of Joseph and his father Jacob and how they were buried in Egypt, another land, all the time living in hope of the promise that God would give them the land he promised Abraham, as a possession to his descendants.  Those descendants include Stephen and the Council.

‘I AM THE GOD OF YOUR FATHERS, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM AND ISAAC AND JACOB,’ Moses shook with fear and would not venture to look. – Acts 7:32  NASB 

     Stephen reminds the Council that they once rejected Moses and he ran away to Midian but God made him both a ruler and a deliverer of the people.  This same Moses who said to the sons of Israel, “God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren.” (Acts 7:37 NASB)  Stephen reminds them of the rejection of Moses in the wilderness and then of David who found favor in God’s sight but was not allowed to build the temple for God, For God does not dwell in houses.  The history lesson Stephen brings is about the stubbornness of this Council, and their fathers before them.  This same Council who had Jesus murdered and then stones Stephen for this address.  He reminds them;

you who received the law as ordained by angels, and yet did not keep it.” – Acts 7:53  NASB

     Our take away?  History can be welcoming, informative and intrusive.  It can be a lesson in triumphs or a harsh lesson in tragedy.  The best history is the one about a Savior who restores for us the treasure of heaven.  A Savior who was spoken of from Moses and other prophets sent by God.  God has given us council and foretold of His plans for us.  He bled on a cross for us.  Our hearts and minds need repentance in order to really appreciate a Creator who has loaned us the material to make ships, and given us a redeemer to mend souls.  

from the bridge overlooking the flight deck of the USS Midway

Sunset at Mission Bay, San Diego

The stoning of Stephen

The stoning of Stephen