I recently had the privilege to spend time with family I don’t get to see very often.  I have a beloved uncle who is questioning the truth of God, creation, etc..  It is hard to convince of truth when others view Christianity as “just another religion”.  I was asked why my beliefs are true.  I struggle sometimes with answers, as I can only answer from scripture because that is where the truth is.  It takes me some soul searching and help from the Holy Spirit, and this can occur after the conversation, so; 

     Dear Uncle,  I don’t have all the answers but I know where they are found.  I know that as a believer I can only relate to a truth as it was revealed to me through the Holy Spirit.  You see, this truth of God, our great Creator, is for everyone.  He made sure all have access to it.  Now you asked me why is my God is the true God?  Because, in part, of the trail of witnesses, of which there are many.   But God also tells us in the book of Romans that He exists whether people believe or no one believes.  In the book of Acts the witnesses give their accounts to Luke.  In the New Testament witnesses are the real deal.  They are instructed to give testimony to those in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and then all the earth.  Since those days God has continued to add believers because those first witnesses began spreading the truth of our salvation after witnessing all of Jesus’s trials and triumphs.  Christ’s church is alive and well.  It is the miraculous work of God through Christ’s blood on the cross.  The crucifixion, resurrection and ascension did not happen in a vacuum.  There were those who lived through it.  They lived to tell the truth.

“…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” – Acts 1:8 NASB

     Sin is a real travesty in our lives and takes away our relationship with God.  Pride is a sin that cuts us off, sometimes without our realization.  The truth is, we all need God, my beloved Uncle.  God has revealed a way to live that guides us in all ways that are good.  We resist because sin causes us to think we an do it our own way, autonomously.  It’s easy to resist God but here’s a recent quote I read and it is the truth.

“If our lives be not a journey towards heaven, they will be a journey to hell.”  – Jonathan Edwards

     I don’t know about you but that is a scary thought.  It’s made more frightening because I have read the book and I know how things end for those in hell.  Scare tactic?  Sure, but make no mistake, if God is truth and Christ is Faithful and True, then I’m going with the good guys!  I love you Uncle and hope you find your heart in heaven.