God gives us gifts.  Some think they involve talents and skills.  While God’s gifts may incorporate those abilities, God gives gifts that glorify Him.  I have some talent for drawing and painting from photos.  I prefer photos or models that don’t move around because my talent doesn’t go that far!  I’ve also mistaken the use of those talents for what God wants of me.  I can use them to open a door but, I believe it is in the service and loving of others that God really wants of me.  A friend reminded me of this recently on Facebook.  

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.  And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord.  There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.  – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6  NASB

     No matter what your skills are, rely on God for what He truly wants of you.  He will show you through the knowledge of Him as you trust in Him more and more.  I was also reminded of sharing the light of Christ with others, through my You Version bible plans. 

Shine Your Light for Others

This is not an easy thing to do.  You have to stand in His light with the strength He provides.  It also isn’t about “saving” anyone.  God alone saves.  It’s about reminding others of God’s great BIG love.  The gospel message is about love.  It’s also about forgiveness.   It’s about shining His light into a darkened world and inviting others out of that darkness.  Use your gifts and give glory to the One Who shines for us all!

God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.  – Genesis 1:4 NASB

Watercolor of sisters, Marion and Elaine

Watercolor of grandson Brecken

Rock painting