Jim and Hope in Big Timber, MT.

I have not disclosed much about myself.  Let me add a little bit of background.  I was a special education teacher for approximately 15 1/2 years and had volunteered with children with disabilities in my younger years and worked as a work supervisor with disabled adults.   Many of the children I had the privilege to know and teach were on the Autism spectrum.  In order to work with these children you needed to know many things about the disorder, then about them specifically.  In learning Who God is I find its similar to that same effort.  God is immense but has provided a key code to knowing Him and a lot about what He wants for us.  The key code?  It’s the Holy Bible!  It’s a fascinating book and well worth reading.  I am getting to know the God Who is, I Am.

All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;  so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.     

                             -2Timothy 3:16-17

Autism has specific traits and symptoms.  Knowing God takes trust in Who He is and that He is never changing.  Taking the time to know children with disabilities requires patience, inspiration and determination.  Knowing God also takes patience, reliance on the Holy Spirit and trust in the God Who was, is and will always be.  He is not what humans expect because He is not about this world.  He is about us.  His wisdom is foolishness to the world and the worlds wisdom is foolishness to Him.  Corinthians 1 3:19.  I found the same rather true when working with some children with disabilities.  The difference is, God is sovereign and He is all knowing and we can rely on His holy word.  Professional opinions and data and research can help answer questions and help with problems but they are ever changing and evolving, assuming it’s for the sake of the disabled person.  God’s answers are proven and help mankind with consistency and truth.  No assumptions.  Just God’s truth and His plan of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.  That’s the ultimate truth He wants us to know.

Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? – 1John 5:5

and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood-

                                       – Revelation 1:5

Final note, Hope is learning to go biking with us.  The trust for her is in that pole attached to the bike and the rider pulling her along!  Happy riding and reading!