Knowing God is not easy. It requires a lot of quiet contemplation and that’s after diving into His word (the Bible) and, in my case, years of studying in a Precept class. Do I finally know Him, I ask myself, as I write this? I feel I do know Him. I know I fear Him, love Him, feel Joy when I think of His goodness and awe when I try to contemplate His Holiness.

We have been learning about God’s wrath as well in our last bible study. To know He will unleash His wrath on those “son’s of disobedience”. I still love and have come to understand that He has the right, the power, and is “Majestically Holy”. This requires a love beyond “human love” which can get stuck in our sinful nature. It is a love that has progressed over the years of getting to know who our sovereign God really is. It is a love that leaves behind the “old nature” and looks forward to a holy relationship with One who is described by Isaiah as Holy, Holy, Holy and calls us to be holy like Him (Leviticus 11:44). We cannot touch Gods Holiness but remember, God has the right to destroy us, especially for the sinful creatures that we are, and yet, He loves us enough to ultimately pay the price in death, death on a cross. Amazing love! To lay down One’s life for His friends. To also lay down One’s life for all the wicked in hope that they will come to know Him… That’s real love, and, it never ends

Torrey, Utah
