We have made our maiden journey and discovered a great place in Heber, Utah. It is called Mountain Valley RV Resort. We actually enjoyed our time there with friends and several dogs. Hope was a trooper, for the most part and, we kept our sanity. Praise God!
One of the things I’m noticing is that I get a little uptight in new surroundings, which affects Hope (the dog). I have this fetish about how I’m doing and forget to leave my fears, anxiety’s and timidness at the feet of Jesus. He has my back, my front, my sides etc. I guess the energy I waste on speculations and “what ifs” would be better served remembering on Whom I place my trust, my hope.
I think I mentioned before that I take a Precept Bible Study class. This Spring we are studying “The Power of Knowing God”, by Kay Arthur. We have a knowledgeable and very skilled instructor named Judi. Judi not only communicates well but is able to get down to business when it comes to knowing Who our great Creator is. Today we reviewed just Who I place my trust and hope in. One who is Creator of everything! One who is Sovereign, i.e., He reigns over everything. Then there are the 3 Omni’s; Omnipresent- God is everywhere (but not in things like trees, rocks, you get the picture!), Omniscient- God knows all, and Omnipotent- God is ALL powerful. Three attributes of God are Righteousness, Justice and Truth. These are some awesome truths about our God!

Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of Your throne; lovingkindness and truth go before You.

-Psalm 89:14

My last post talked about hope as an anchor for our soul. Yes! I rejoice in the Lord! Part of the reason I feel joy when I think of Him, pray to Him, hit my knees on the floor to Him, is because of the hope He strengthens me with. As I get to know God, and His Son Jesus Christ, I know that They are never changing, They are truth and have been with us, always and forever. This hope is a promise not a maybe! I don’t hope God is the same yesterday, today and forever, I know He is. The bible tells us those truths. There is nothing else in the world you can say that about. There is nothing that exists with that constant, and yet, amazingly enough, God never does anything exactly the same. He uses what will get through to us as the individuals that we are. That alone is proof of his omniscience and His lovingkindness (grace). That explains to me why I can read the bible over and over and come away with new insight each time! I’m a work in progress as most of us are. I can always learn more and know I will never learn it all, here. I follow His word and I pin all my hope on Him.
Another benefit of trusting in God is not only the joy, but also the peace He gives me. If I am in a dark place with distress or worry or trials I find a quiet place and let Jesus enter my thoughts. Sometimes He enters visually, sometimes from a passage of scripture or a metaphor an author has given. When I allow Him in, my shoulders go down, I take a deep breath and I get PEACE. This is a blessing I want for all my family, friends, classmates and readers!

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
-Romans 15:13

This hope is my liberty. Christ tells us he came to free us. I believe that with all my heart as it has been revealed to me as truth by God. I will continue to learn from the bible as I hope you will too.

His hope, joy and peace,